Het Huisartsenhuys is a group practice of General Practitioners / family doctors, who provide primary health care to people from all ages, 0 to over a 100.

The physicians have their consultations at several addresses :

· Bocholt:

Damburgstraat 61, 3990 Bocholt

Marc Vanpoecke MD
Heidi Schuermans MD
Brenda Neirinckx MD
Ben Janssen MD
Kim Houben MD
Nona Feyen MD
An-Michelle Mandiau MD

· Peer : (Grote Brogel)

Laarderweg 18, 3990 Peer

Marc Vanpoecke MD,
Nona Feyen MD

The physicians work on an appointment only basis. They do this to shorten the waiting time for all the patients. You can make an appointment online or by calling the office.

How to make an appointment?

· Go to https://www.mtc-it4.be/patient/index.html or to www.afspraken.be and select English as your language. Follow the instructions. PS. If you would have problems: mail at support[a]afspraken.be

This is a 24/7 service which is free for everyone (this is the easiest way, you can make your appointment any time of the day or night, 24/7 and is free!)

· By phone call: +32 89 44 90 80

· During the previous appointment.

Useful tips when making an appointment:

·              We reserve 10-15 minutes per patient. This should be enough for a normal consultation.

·              If you have a major problem: you may take make  2 appointments at once.

·              2 patients = 2 appointments!!!

·              Please be on time. If you are late you might be asked to make a new appointment.

·              If you have one: be sure to have your Belgian electronic identity document with you

House Calls available on request:

House calls are only made when the patient is not able to come to one of the practices.

To make an appointment for a doctor to visit you at home please contact the administration at +32 89 44 90 80 as soon as possible. Try to make the appointment before 10:30 am.

Doctor on call:

During the weekend and on holidays the doctors work in another treatment centre together with other practitioners from the region.

You can find the information, opening hours and directions at the following website : http://www.huisartsenwachtpostnoordlimburg.be

On week nights the centre is closed but the telephone number +32 11 60 40 60 stays operative. You will be redirected to the doctor on call in your region by typing in your local area code. (For example 3990 for Peer or 3950 for Bocholt.)

In case of an Emergency: contact your general practitioner:

If you are not able to contact your own GP during a medical EMERGENCY and are not able to reach the doctor on call do not waste valuable time. Dial 112 or take the patient to the nearest emergency room.

Make you sure you are always aware of the nearest emergency room and hospital.